Our Dark Oak
At mafi, the color spectrum of oak doesn't stop at the natural tone. Through our innovative thermo-treatment, we can offer native oak wood in a medium to dark brown color. The process is entirely natural and provides a real alternative to tropical woods.
How are Oak Floors made dark?
To achieve dark tones in domestic, lighter woods, we use our innovative Vulcano thermal treatment. Only with heat, water, and wind, the planks are essentially baked. Depending on the duration and intensity of the treatment, it can result in a medium to nearly black shade. The wood becomes uniformly dark, making repairs easy.
OAK Vulcano Medium
The Oak Vulcano Medium is the lightest of our Vulcano options. The natural tone of the oak is only slightly darkened and is characterized by its warm colors. With white oil, the floor can be tinted to a particularly modern brown tone, while the natural oil finish emphasizes authenticity.

Oak Vulcano
Planks with Vulcano-treatment display a varied range of colors, from a dark brown to slightly lighter, warmer planks. The darkening reaches deep into the surface layer, allowing for spot repairs without issues.

Nero Oak Vulcano
Lovers of very dark woods will appreciate the Nero Oak Vulcano. With its rich dark brown color, it is the ideal choice for high-contrast interior designs. Depending on the oil finish, it can appear nearly black or, in the case of white oil, acquire a subtle silvery touch.